Omnes Trio

  • Price: $38.00
  • Difficulty: Med-Advanced
  • Duration: 6:20

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  • Title: Omnes Trio
  • Price: $38.00
  • Difficulty: Med-Advanced
  • Duration: 6:20


3 players; One bass drum mounted flat (shared), 3 sets of bongos, 6 pitch-bender opera gongs


Omnes Trio, the Latin translation of ‘Trio for All’, was written as an expression to promote equality within the percussion field. With homogeneous instrumentation and a shared set-up, the piece is characterized by hocketed rhythmic lines, trading grooves between players, and soloistic passages that create rapidly flowing textures and quasi-melodic lines. The elegiac opera gong motive serves as a sonic cushion between dark silence and intensive waves of rhythm. 

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